After yesterday's beautiful weather, I started thinking about things that are great.  Now, great is an adequate word...but maybe Splendiferous might be a better word.  So, it dawned on me, why not have a running list, in no particular order 1000 things that are grand. Over the coming weeks we will watch this list grow, and see how we feel about things that are Splendiferous!
Here is a GRAND list of things that are Splendiferous:

1. Pets:  The smiling-eyed, tail wagging, purring, furry balls of love that wake you up to get fed and snuggle to put you to sleep.  

2. BFFs:  The people who help gray skies feel sunny and sunny days feel like a fabulous movie.  Even in the rain and snow they know exactly the thing to do! 

3. Vintage clothing in your size:  A new-old dress that fits a lady like it should and twirls around you.  Having something that someone else cared for before you, filled it with love and then passed it along, for a fair price to me.  

4. Contests: It's fun to think about all the possible things you can win.  The chances are endless; gift certificates, trips, money.  People are always playing contests on the radio, the internet and in line at the convenience stores.

5.  Winning contests: See number 4, only you're the one who walks away with the prize... My favourite 

6. A light breeze that shakes the new leaves and dapples the shadows: The way the sunshine breaks through and flashes red in your eyes, but you're still cooled by the breeze and the shade.

7. Skylights and sunroofs: Like being outside, a half-step away from being on a motocycle or bike, but a lot faster. Loose hair flying around the car.  Or the unexpected rooftop view in an 80's washroom, sitting on the toilet you can still see the stars.

8. BBQs: The way it brings people together. Everyone bringing their favourite mayonaise salad and eating burgers with grill marks on them.  Reliving the fire-pit flavour of the hunter/gatherers of generations before.

9. Dancing to your new favourite song: Just dancing all together.  The way your body feels flying freely through the air.  The only thing confining you, are the people dancing around you. There is something fabulous about moving in time to the pounding of the drum.

10. Saying something at the same time as someone else- jinx!:  Knowing someone well enough to have the same thought.  Having a conversation with someone and to be so in sync that your next words are the same.  It releases a pent of feeling of Nobody gets me. A practically perfect moment.

11. New shoes that are comfortable the first time you wear them: I think so many of us buy shoes with the hope of wearing the crap out of them.  But all too often, those shoes suck, either because they are too cheap to be built properly, or the designer didn't care about anything but the esthetics, or they just aren't right for your foot.  Whatever the reason, when you find something perfect your feet thank you.

12.  Having people say something nice to you: Wether it's a stranger saying they like your purse or your BFF saying you look pretty.  It feels good to have people say nice things.  

13. Saying nice things to others: Calling just to say I love you. Complimenting a haircut. Using the social clues to help make this world a nicer place.  Hellos, Good mornings, Don't you look nices? All very easy ways to help others see the bright side.

14. Being the best person you can be: Being the kinder person.  Being the person you want people to see you as.  And telling the world around you how thankful you are to be a part of it.  Every day we have a chance to change ourselves, change our lives and get change for the bus, so why not today?

15.  Seeing people achieve their goals: Is there anything grander than seeing people plan and execute said plan?  How inspiring is it to watch someone get there, even though there is a very different place for everyone.

  SO, 15 of the Grand ain't too shabby a start.  Sorry this blog thing is so late today.  I been working on the Night Moves with the Nightshift in the Morgue.  Sad and true. Tomorrow's will be up super early.  I pinky swear.  Keep an eye out for more in this series.  I think it will be fun.  Luv ya! Tomorrow's Friday, can you believe it?
7/12/2012 12:13:04 pm

It seems I don't notices in my inbox anymore???


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