May is a month full of special days, especially Birthdays. And if you count backwards it's all those not-yet-parents celebrating Labour Day that are making May babies, heads up on that.  I realized that May is My BFF's and Toronto celebrating over 100 years and  Freud and Tina Fey celebrating their Bdays- which coincedentally would be the best/worst party ever. This year May is also the Diamond Jubilee; an extremely rare occasion- celebrating the 60 year reign of an 86 year old Queen.  Known for having her head on our recently discontinued penny.  But those aren't unbirthdays.

  Is today your unbirthday? Odds are it is. What have you got planned?  Today, I felt like celebrating. Like singing a song in a British accent, wearing a top hat, serving tea to a rabbit and a mouse then dancing in a solo high kick line.  An oxymoron, I know, but I've been having trouble finding qualified high kicking applicants to fill those high flying shoes:). I realized that starting this blog was an excuse to celebrate 5 days a week. Well, maybe not excuse; perhaps catalyst is a better word. Every morning I go to my happy place (my laptop), open the spigot (my brain) and pour out a daily dose of mental floss (garble).  I  put my happy into this, for you. But what really amazes me- once I started writing and thinking happy- it was easier to actually be happy. I mean really happy.  And seriously who could be unhappy on their unbirthday? Not this gal.*insert sassy finger shake.  

  My parents have always encouraged me to follow my heart. But it is only recently I have truly started to become myself.  My Hubby is a huge advocate of living each day the way that feels best. And whether that means sitting in a dark room feeling sorry for yourself or whether it means standing on a rooftop and hallooing the world- you should do it. I realized this weekend that I am finally being the unbirthday celebrator I should have been before I started worrying. I started to worry a lot in my post high school years. I would worry about money, time, work, love, my varicose veins, losing at Jenga*insert long and complex list of irrational worries here. I didn't know how to help myself and thought I could just go around being whomever everybody wanted me to be.  In the last 3 months though, Ho-oh, I am suddenly not so concerned with worrying anymore. I have realized that I can't totally control those around me. And that's okay- no one loves being controlled. So, on this my Unbirthday I would like to extend an invitation to: Join my Kick line, get a tambourine or play the spoons, but for Kevin's sake (Costner-that is)- Celebrate!  The sun is shining and the air is sweet.  You only have 364 more unbirthdays this year; what are you waiting for?

  And though I didn't invite the Commissioner to this very merry unbirthday, I know he crashes all my parties. Just to ensure that things don't get out of hand, and that people are having the correct amount of fun. So if you see the Commish, tell him to stroke his burly mustache and smile, cuz it's only life and the party's just beginning:)

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