The following letters are actual advice I've given this past week dictated:)

Dear Melicious;
 I am a dedicated life instructor. People come to me whenever they are in a jam and I help them fix it. I am quite happy to give all my opinions for free. Problems arise though when I don't take my own advice.  Or stop giving my advice to people who don't want it.  Please help me to help myself.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Dear Do-Do,
 I know that my big mouth can sometimes get me into trouble. The most important thing to remember about your advice: Only give what you would be willing to receive.  That's a narrow row to hoe. Being the voice of reason can hurt your friend's ego. My advice is to be brave, be bold, be yourself.  Watch out for opinion backlash. Never say anything definitively bad about someone's significant other; it's bound to hurt you in the end.  And keep your comments aimed at the positive to avoid hard feelings. It's tough to give good constructive criticism.  Speak gently from your heart. That's  the best language to learn if you can't stop talking.

 It's been a longtime since I fell in love. I am worried that my chance has passed me by. All my friends have a special someone, and they have stopped inviting me to dinner parties and celebrations- except their weddings. How do I tell them how I feel and stay friends?
Yours hopefully,
Friends without benefits

Dear Friendly, 
 Your situation is not a rare one. With most groups of buddies; amis come and amigos. It's easy to feel left out and I know you miss your pal-around time. But maybe it's up to you to suggest a girl's night without partners. Or else borrow a 'Dude' for an evening of dinner party fun. Making sure that 'Dude' is the most annoying and selfish person at the table will remind your BFs of how you deserve someone fabulous. Perhaps even sparking a fun game of match maker that you can work on with your friend? All in all know is that if your friend is a good one, she'll listen to you and try to help you feel more welcome. If she's not? Well I guess that answers itself:$


Dear Melicious,
 First time writer, longtime reader. I guess my questions is, when are you going to write a book? Something that will really help people live life with a Melicious flair? 
Love you long time.

Dear Longtime, Firsttime,
 Thank you so much. Its always great to hear that kind of enthusiasm.  I have been asked this regularly over the last 4 months, and all I can say definitely is: there will be a book. A thin, flimsy, perhaps even printed at my house, more like a pamphlet-book. Let's hope:)
Keep those eyes peeled,

Dear Melicious, 
 I am a performer and I know how strange this business can be. It has always been my way to learn something new and then after 'mastering' it I loose interest. I was taught that having more skills was the best way to go about expanding my resume. But I am still not landing any gigs. 

My Mad-Hacktress,
 If there is one thing I've learned its that you have to specialize. Focus on the things that will make you the most sellable.  Being sorta alright at everything  isn't good enough. If you want to stand out, be better than alright. You don't have to be olympic athlete good. Being very good at a few things will always be better for your career. So focus on yourself, focus on your goals and focus on the positive. Other than that career wise and generally in life the only thing you can control is you; and sometimes even that's too much.
Be brave, be bold. Focus. 

As always boys and girls, I am happy to help and eager to listen.  If you're looking for your bees-wax, I've got it over here.

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