Springtime is upon us!  And for this fancy lady that means skirts and sundresses.  Upon opening my clothes storage container and releasing the smell of musty but clean summer wear, I breathe a sigh of relief.  I mean, who doesn't love wearing a skirt?  I carefully choose a dual-season skirt that could be worn with stockings, as it is too chilly for bare legs just yet.  While wearing the skirt, doors started opening for me - literally - people started opening doors for me, giving slight bows and respecting the skirt.  With a great skirt, comes great responsibility.

            I consider myself a feminist: I vote; I enjoy "equal rights" (though as an actress they don't really help me); and I read Bust magazine.  Being a feminist can seem like a strange and outdated philosophy by those who don't realize the changes we've made.  Feminists are no longer relegated to being a screaming, hairy-arm-pitted, bra-burning, college crowd.  We have become a strongly feminine and global unity-seeking bunch.  Now, not all feminists agree that we can be feminist and feminine.  But within every movement there are factions, believing similar mantras with variations.  I believe that all women have a choice on how to use their bodies.  That includes the ability to make decisions about abortion and birth control, as well as the right not to be harassed - in the workplace or anywhere else. That being said, I also believe that women have the right to choose how they behave.  That's an important part.  Women can be tough or sweet and still believe in feminist principles.  It's a new world.

            I think more men need to be feminists.  I am starting to think that most men truly believe women would rather do it all ourselves.  And by do it, I mean all the details that keep life chugging along on it's rails.  If women took a week off, what would happen to the household?  It falls to pieces.  This is crazy, 'cuz no one has a yearning desire to do laundry.  There isn't one person in the whole wide world who looks into their drawer of clean, folded clothes anticipating the exhilaration of their next wash!  It's getting dirty that's the fun part.  Sheesh!  I do the laundry now because if something gets ruined, I have no one to blame but myself.  Self-reliance and desire are easily confusable, in this aspect.  I don't want to do laundry; I do it because I don't want to blame anyone else for ruining something (as hubby knows all too well).  But where do we draw the line between the traditional gender roles and the balancing act of being a 50/50 household?  Times have changed.  It's not often that a nuclear family has a stay-at-home mom, responsible for keeping house.  In most modern homes both members work, bringing home the bacon and frying it up together.  How have we come so far without actually changing anything?

            I guess where I end up is here: I do laundry because I cannot afford to replace my clothes and I will continue to get my clothes dirty.  I'll wear skirts and have doors open for me and I will continue to fight for feminist dames because no one deserves to be treated like Molly Maid just because they wear a skirt.

- MM (and no, that doesn’t stand for Molly Maid)

other Mom
4/23/2012 10:03:09 pm

I do my laundry and Ron does his. I do the bedding because he would sleep in anything. Ahhhh!


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