  So yesterday if you were out and about or you have a window or a smart phone or a short wave radio you probably know that it was 13 degrees.  And let's not pretend that 13 degrees isn't a BIG deal the first time it rolls around in our home and native land.  Welcome lucky 13 with a low of 6, Yahoo triple cherries Jackpot!  So being the brave optimist that I am I was easily convinced to sit up on my rooftop patio and enjoy this warm snap, now I may have over shot with no socks in my ballet flats, and just my thermal vest with a hoodie- but it's 13 dammit! and I am going to enjoy it.  Get some much needed vitamin D and try to ignore that obnoxious blustery wind.  Well, I was able to cope un-fortified for 23 mins.  Then in a tiny voice I finally admitted- I think I need more layers to a chorus of unanimous agreement.  So the three of us hobbled on frozen feet inside to insulate.  Adding knee high socks, a scarf, mitts, and a under layer long john shirt-  I was "Ah toasty" in no time.  Now, the wind? I mean seriously, was he feeling left out that his much nicer cousin Sunshine was getting all the attention? Is that why he had to come around with his bad attitude and dusty breath and push us around.  I don't mean to sound wind-ist- as I usually love him- he's such pleasant company on a hot summer day, winter though affects his disposition- and boy was he dis-posed yesterday.  Take exhibit A the above photo is an example of Mr. Wind's handy work. He's such a jerk, although on the plus side I look like a grown up version of a hard-living Pebbles Flintstone.  Regardless, I would not admit defeat and sat upon my rooftop for a total of 78 mins, which is pretty impressive, though it was more to prove I wouldn't be pushed around by that snotty Mr. Wind.  After a quick warm up, I was on my way to Why-not-Wednesdays- where it was decided we'd sit on the patio- though we were no where near the heaters that called to us their flaming siren song.  Oh and of course the special of the day was Raspberry Slush! Whoa wait it's only a blustery 13 degrees- who do we think we are? Slush? Oh alright, Why-not-Wednesdays unfold for themselves. As we watched the people around us gobble their food and get the heck inside I realized that you can't hurry love, no, you just have to wait.  Patio season is coming, it just isn't here yet, that being said the next day it's over 10 you'll probably find me on a patio- I just won't learn, I miss you summer, Mr Groundhog said you'd be here soon.  I don't think spring would mind if you came early, she's pretty temperate:)