This is the first time in my whole life, I have ever lived grown up.  I am so proud I wanna high-kick all over. But this is also the first time I have had corners... Corners that around each one of them I catch my breath, cause I'm kind of a scaredy cat.  And now we have a mirror that reflects the window reflecting back a scaredy cat vision of you. And the animals skitter. They skitter and scatter across the hardwood floor, they never had places to go before. Other rooms? They're always in other rooms making noises, sighs, grunts and wheezes.  Playing in my paranoid brain is every theme to every slasher film, slowly building up the tension. Eeekke. Am I scared of my new house? I think yes.  When I come home and there's no lights on and all the windows are dark...I get nervous.  There's too many tiny nooks and crannies.  Closets to hide in...Then I think, this is a new building, could there already be ghosts in here?      
  I spent all day in a post apocalyptic world pretending to be one of the only 500 people left on earth, in a scary underground location that's in the middle of nowhere.  Oh and I am chilled to the bone breathing in 30 year old dust and squinting in the dark smokey air.  My face is on fire, my nose is red and fragile.  We are making a movie in the place that wind was created, the cradle of the slamming shutters and aluminum siding. There's also a haunting memorial where a dead body was found, at least that's the rumour.  So when I come home and there's no lights on and the new door creaks, I tend to catch my breath, preparing for something lurking.  It's never the same thing in the corners though, sometimes it's swamp thing in the shower or Jason in the closet, some sort of unmasked ninja bandits.  I may be a little bit nervous but I hope that there is something universal keeping me safe in my house.  Safe hidden away.  
  But at work, those victims are never safe...the bad guys just keep coming and killing and blood and guts and climbing and slashing, it's horrific.  But I am going back to the past next week, so I just gotta hold out for that. It's a special olde timey kinda cold. It's a stinky, smokey, drippy, creaky and shaky feeling but otherwise safe.  I am living other lives. And I come home with all the ghost and bad guys and scaredy cat feelings. Hoping to snuggle my Hubby, but he's not here and the lights are off, and it's just you and me, and my mind keeps on racing. Maybe I should watch more Mad Men, who could be scared of a world so beautiful? 
  While working in the aesthetic industry I was entranced by a multi-step dermal care system.  Like a un-exfoliated snake charmed by the sweet sounds of the skin flute (oh wait, that's a different story) I bought into the practice of wash-rinse-remove-cleanse-massage-rinse-exfoliate-massage-rinse-re-rinse-spot treat-age target-moisturize and seal.  Though I have all these products with their various accessories scattered, stacked and stored in my teeny condo bathroom, none of these products are the same shape or size, oh no, they are as irregularly shaped as they are infrequently used, stacking, tumbling and taking up space much to the cha-grin of my hubby.  And surprise, surprise, I am not easily motivated to do un-fungrueling things for myself (ie: gym, taxes, multi-step systems of any kind), especially after a grueling day of thinking about what I will write for you tomorrow, I can barely muster the enthusiasm to rinse and remove my under eye concealer, which has become a crutch, spackling my newly acquired uber-dark-bags, though it was not long ago I could go without a stich of make-up *implied shocked mock-cheerleader voice (I say mock as I worry about someone actually remember I wasn't a cheerleader, or that my high school didn't actually had a squad). Speaking of cheerleaders, I could start wearing football eye blacks- they might actually create the perfect diversion to what's happening up here* implies a circular gesture to dilapidated** face area. It seems I might actually be getting older, though I thought older/wiser were part and parcel- in fact not so, just the older part is ensured, Older/wiser requires pre-registration.  Soooo....let's get a bit more honest than you might like, while watching "THIS is tha Vo-ICE!" I was picking, one might even say digging, at my dead dull lifeless skin, each cell precariously clinging to my face, snuggled up against the winter winds and displaying a serious lack of vitamin D, why? Why won't it just go away, slough off would ya? With you gone I am free to reveal the radiant creature my 3D dermal-dimension-insert D-word here, product line promises is underneath many-MANY layers of contaminated surface skin, I'm like an old gas station, applying for a building permit. Hazzah, I realize with relish- step 7 is my only hope, though step 7 alone cannot rescue this post-February-still-Blah-late-Mardi Gras-early Leprechaun mask, it will take the Tenacious Twelve to save me now.  Twelve time consuming steps to the rescue, swooping in to save the day. With this team of super-stringents at my side and on my bathroom counter, I begin grooming the H-E-double hockey stick out of myself! Plucking and prodding, massaging and scrubbing, moulting layers of dead snake skin, finally unveiling the skin within, my face renewed and dewey, which my mother says is the key to youthful beauty.  Soft, satisfied and sealed I slither into bed, ready to Face (see what I did there?) the coming morning.  With a theme song I awake- a bright and cheerful morning- Whoa wait, what do I spy? Three white-headed friends who've taken up residence: Olivia, Janice and Pusie, which I feel is grossly fitting. Are you kidding me? Alas no joke, though today's theme song continues reminding me 4 heads are better than one... and they are growing on me:) though hopefully not for long.

**Side note: I thought the word was delapitated, it's not, your welcome.